Saturday, February 09, 2008
Friday, January 04, 2008
Cloning Animals For Food
This has to be one of the most unbelievable stories I have ever read. I've always thought of cloning as a means to produce healthy organs for transplant cases. Not for endless supplies of food:
After more than six years of wrestling with the question of whether meat and milk from them are safe to eat, the Food and Drug Administration is expected to declare as early as next week that they are.Think about it, McDonald's will never run out of food. Just as long as they keep cloning Bessie, they can keep mass producing Big Macs.
"Most consumers do not find this appealing," says Marguerite Copel, vice president of corporate communications at Dean Foods Co., one of the nation's largest milk producers, which says it won't sell any milk from cloned animals.Downright disgusting is more like it. I am physically sick thinking of these cloning factory slaughterhouses, and hey, they don't need to worry about PETA or ethical treatment either, because the clone was never supposed to be alive anyway.
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Home Appliances Get Crazy Warning Illustations

Remember to never, under any circumstances, use an air purifier as a table tennis partner.
Educational: Amadana's Warning Illustrations Are Something Special
I don't think I can state it any plainer that that. There is many other things you should never do with an air purifier, and many other products as well. Please click the link above to find out.
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Thursday, January 03, 2008
Possible Darwin Award
Dumb Kid Looks Down Barrel of Potato Gun - Watch more free videos
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
Hacked GMail Filters
WARNING: Google’s GMail security failure leaves my business sabotagedAs I said, the vulnerability has been fixed, however, if the filter already exists in your account, then e-mail could still be leaving your GMail account without your knowledge. Do yourself a favor and check your filters today.
Now my domain name was being held to ransom, and the hacker was taunting me. What I had spent more than a year building into a sound marketing plan had been severed at the knees.
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Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Pretty Big Story
A story? That is the number one problem with this country, everything is just a story. I would like to go on record to correct the dimb jockey and call her "story" what it really is. A Tragedy.
Just for the record, a story is a piece of fiction written by an author meant to amuse or entertain in one way or another. The word story most likely started being used by the ahole media to unhumanize the event in order to report it. Over time, the worse the tragedy was, the better the "story" is. But let's not forget that what is happening in Southern California is not a story...It is really happening. There really are people that have had to evacuate their homes, leaving all their possessions behind, only to have everything they own burnt to nothing. It's not just a "Pretty Big Story". No you idiot, it's so much more.