Sunday, November 30, 2003

Thanksgiving Weekend

Wow, I can't believe I survived another Thanksgiving weekend. After Thanksgiving Day itself, and then going out that night; all the chaos and comotion that is shopping the day after Christmas; and getting a good start on hanging Christmas lights you might think that I would be in some sort of epileptic coma, but, here I sit, late Sunday night, still alive and kicking.

Since this is the weekend of Thanks, I would like to give thanks to those who have deserved it this past weekend. First of all, thanks to my mother-in-law for preparing a hearty Thanksgiving feast. Also to my father-in-law, for what feast would be complete without his sausage stuffing. Thanks to Beverly's daughter Char for cooking an incredible Mexican Feast to end our Holiday weekend. Thanks to Beverly for having Weener Dogs (and even though she says she wont) eventually setting up the "Humping Weener Dog Cam" site, which will entertain millions of future visitors. Thanks to Bobby for being a good brother-in-law and telling me about Beverly's Humping Weener Dogs. Thanks to all who participated in going out with us Thursday night, if not for you and keeping me and Marcy out late on Thursday, we would most likely have ended up standing in lines early Friday morn waiting for sales. Most of all, and seriously, thanks to Marcy and my kids for putting up with me, and my twisted sense of humor, for another year. I love you all.

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