Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Fake Lottery Tickets-The cruelest joke of all

Can someone please tell me what is the deal with these Fake lottery tickets lately:
Mark Frauenfelder: Site sells fake lottery tickets with hateful putdowns under the scratch-off material: 'Kiss My A**,' 'You Lose S***head,' etc. The ad copy on the site suggests it's a delightful family gag: 'Fool your friends with fake cursing lottery tickets These fake lotto tickets are so funny, they will have you rolling on the floor laughing in tears! Perfect for holiday gifts and family parties!'

I guess they aren't as cruel as the fake tickets that trick the dupe into thinking they've won $25,000.
I enthusiastically agree with that last sentence. I saw this on a recent AFV, and then I argued with theWife and theElderSon about why this is not funny. I have a good sense of humor for many things, but this, in my opinion, is the cruelest kind of prank. Some may argue and say that joking around about someone's death would be worse, but I will disagree.

In the case of the latter, at least you find out good news in the end, while the former presents the "dupe" with a huge letdown. Not only is the target finding out that they are the subject of a joke, but that they really didn't win jack. In my thinking, it would be tantamount to hearing that a sick relative has made an amazing recovery, only to find out they really hadn't. Why is this funny?

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