Saturday, April 08, 2006

Neighborhood Hibernation

The party went off last night, without a hitch. There were varying opinions of the wine. It seemed like, to me at least, that our neighbors who responded to us, implying that they drank wine, liked the wine. The neighbors that implied a distaste for wine, didn't like the wine. Go figure.

The wine was nice, but what was even nicer was seeing all of our neighbors and socializing, with some for the first time. We have all been on our street since winter started last year, and we had neighbors introducing themselves to other neighbors for the first time in our great room.

See, we moved in first, last summer. After us, a couple of neighbors moved in in fall, but the rest have moved in after winter hit. What we've found out happens here, that didn't in Cauliflower is people hibernate in winter. With no reason to go out and work in the yard, everyone stays inside their homes all winter long.

Spring is hesitantly setting in around Cleveland, which is to say that it was 70 degrees two Fridays ago, and snowed last week, so our neighbors will start to pop their heads out of their houses more often, as will we. As long as noone sees their shadows, we should have a pretty fun neighborhood this spring and summer.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the party went well last night!!

Yes, Spring is trying to show up around here! All of my neighbors in my neighborhood are the same... While building my house they were all out, but then we move in and they all scurry away!

Enjoy your day!


Anonymous said...

I've been out working in the yard in the cold!! I like to get the hard labor such as digging done in the early spring, so I don't sweat to death when it hits 90. Then All I have to do is plant and weed.