Monday, October 24, 2005

A Better Rabbit Cage

Yesterday morning started off like any other day in theHouse of theMike and theFamily. We woke up, looked out the windows, and theElderSon noticed this:


Then we knew we would have a good day. Saturday night, as I lay in bed, groggy from the effects of a heel to the back of the head by theMiddleChild (story another time, but not intentional), theWife and theKids got a start on the next day's project:

Nic Cube

theWife had been getting sick of how theRabbit's current area had been taken up space in her morning room. So she did a some googling and came up with the idea to build a better Rabbit cage using nic cubes. All we had to do Sunday was tighten down the zip ties and build the frame. I don't mean to brag, but I think we did a bang up job. Don't you?

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