Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Day 2

Ok, now that I have my past life wrapped up and taken care of, I can concentrate on this one. It is day 2 of my and Marcy's most recent bid to quit smoking. So far, so good. We both are using the Nicotrol Inhaler sparingly, in fact I have not yet needed to use mine yet today only needed to use mine once so far today. I remember though, it seems that the last time I tried to quit earlier this year, was much worse. The cravings were worse, and the gum of course was no help at all, unless you enjoy feeling nauseous. All in all, it's probably something that is completely metal. I think I am definately more ready, or mentally prepared, to quit this time. I guess I'll just have to take it one day at a time, and see what happens. Either way, I will quit.

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