Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Lunchtime Rambling

You've all seen by now I'm sure. JibJab's parody of Bush & Kerry singing "This Land" has been everywhere. It's been so popular that there's been a few times JibJab had to take it off of their server due to so many people hitting it at once. Somebody has seen how popular it is, and has decided that they need to make money from it...so what have they done? You got it, slapped JibJab with a copyright infringement suit did they. Read more:

URL: Copyright Infringer

What will they (who are they anyway?) think of next. Noone tell my daughter about this or else we'll be buying these for her potato bugs (roly-polies) that she keeps trying to make pets out of.
URL: Dead Bug Funeral Kit

Before going & getting that tattoo, read this:
URL: Lansing State Journal:Tales of the tattoo

I bet Coke didn't think of this before starting their contest.
URL: Coke cans compromising national security

That's all, have a good lunch, whatever's left of it that is.

Current Stats:
Smoke-Free:3 days, 14 hours, 15 minutes and 18 seconds
Cigarettes NOT smoked:36
Lifetime Saved: 6 hours
Money Saved:$7.06

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