Saturday, July 31, 2004

I'm so glad I now know this. In fact, I don't know how I ever lived without this information. Better yet, I'm glad to know that the USDA is spending their research money so wisely:
Have you ever suspected that there's something about you that's especially attractive to mosquitoes? Perhaps there is.

According to the Journal of Vector Ecology, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) did a study to find out what odors attracted mosquitoes:

Percentage of mosquitoes attracted to the smell of a human hand: 80
Percentage of mosquitoes attracted to the smell of a human foot (they used a sock that had been worn for three days): 66
Percentage of mosquitoes attracted to the smell of Limburger cheese: 6
Percentage of mosquitoes attracted to the smell of an air-conditioned room: 1
Now you too can live out the remainder of your lives with that knowledge. I'm only here to help.

Last night's wedding pictures to come in a little bit. It was a fun wedding, but as you'll notice in my stats, I had a lapse of judgement. That can happen when your drinking I guess. Back to square one. In the past, I wouldn't have even counted last night's slip or started my stats over again, but I'm hoping that if I start over and admit my slip, maybe I'll be less likely to slip again. One can always hope.

Time Smoke-Free: 9 hours, 57 minutes and 8 seconds
Cigarettes NOT smoked: 4
Lifetime Saved: a bit
Money Saved: $1.76

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